Cooking Korean

Squash Pancake [Hobak-Jeon]


I am experiencing first fall season in San Francisco. People say the summer has ended here… but when? The weather is pretty much the same…(windy and sunny) I know that I have to be very careful not to be spoiled with this unbelievable California weather.

Because it is my first year in San Francisco,I still have not figured out agricultural life cycle in California. Are blueberries still available??? How much longer can we enjoy the wonderfully juicy tomatoes? I went to a farmers’ market a few days ago and what a surprise. I found this charming looking squash still around. I had to grab it without hesitation because who knows when they will be out of season.

And what did I make out of this vegetable?


 Koreans make pancakes[Jeon] out of everything such as meat, poultry, seafood, vegetables..etc. It is so versatile and widely enjoyed that I dedicated one recipe category only to pancakes[Jeon]

This squash pancake is one of my favorite. It is very easy to make yet tastes so sweet and delicate that sometimes I refuse to dip it in sauce in order to fully enjoy the flavor of the squash. Make it as weekend afternoon snack or enjoy it with a bowl of rice.

*Ingredients (makes about 2 pancakes,7 inch diameter)
Squash: 2
Oil:About 2 Tbsp
Unbleached white flour : 1/2 Cup
Large egg: 1
Water: 2/3 Cup
Salt:1 tsp


 In a bowl, combine flour, egg, salt, and water. Whisk well.


 Peel the skin off squash and cut into strips about 2 inches by 1/4 inch.


 Mix batter and squash.


 Heat 1 Tbsp of oil in a non-stick pan and put in half of the batter mix. Spread well.


 When the edge of pancake gets white, flip it over (Flip only once)


 Wait until bottom is cooked about 1 minute.

February 1, 2008 - Posted by | Pancake[Jeon] | , , , ,

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